When I first started reading about extra terrestrial beings to quench my curiosity and to further my knowledge, I had no idea I would write about them. However after extensive reading, I was able to draw my own conclusions about this subject which has given rise to much controversy and research over the years. So I felt I should note down my views and conclusions.![]()
It was a quiet evening on the 11th of May 1999. I was reading a book which contained articles about extra terrestrial beings. What I read that evening, sparked off a series of ideas in my mind. My conclusions are based on the following observations :
According to that book, recent findings have revealed evidence of a large nuclear explosion which is supposed to have taken place thousands of years ago in the Gobi desert. It is stated in dead sea Scrolls which were discovered recently, that the destruction of the cities Sodum & Gomora were caused by something similar to the explosion of a hydrogen bomb.
On carrying out experiments in the Gobi desert, severely scorched sand was observed in the area. Accordingly, the inevitable question which springs to mind, is how was the uncivilised man who lived those many centuries ago, capable of wielding such complex technical knowlegde?
Likewise, the amazing constructions of bygone civilizations and the staggering technical knowledge behind these constructions; the numerous unidentified flying objects (UFO's) that have been spotted in many places across the earth; the mystery surrounding the Bermuda Triangle.... all these led me to draw the following conclusions.
I feel that extra terrestrial beings are in fact a group of living beings who inhabited planet earth, long before prehistoric man evolved.
As modern man is showing a phenomenal advance in technology. As a result, many experiments and space probes are being carried out, to investigate any possibilities of life in planets other than earth.
In this same manner, that group of living beings would also have gradually developed their technology. They too would have carried out investigations about the conditions of other planets, and may have discovered another planet or Solar System capable of offering them a suitable environment to live in. At some point when their technical knowledge was advanced enough to enable them to build crafts which could transport them there, they would have left planet earth.
Scientists believe that the enormous Dinosaurs and other creatures who inhabited earth centuries ago, were destroyed by a shower of meteors which fell on earth. Those being would have foreseen this destruction before hand aided by their advanced technology and evacuated earth.
Subsequently, they may have returned to earth, in order to assess the situation. Then they would have got acquainted with the humans inhabiting earth at that particular period; they would have established connections with mankind and would have lived here. Their advanced technical skills would have been instrumental in creating those massive constructions which are marvelled even today. It is possible that they destroyed the cities Gomara and Sodum which bore testimony to their expertise, as they felt that these would be disadvantageous (pose threats) to them in the future. They used their skills in such a manner that the humans would be unable to tap their knowledge. With the increasing population and advancing technology of mankind, they would have curtailed their visits to earth possibly for their own protection.
At present they are making highly secretive visits to earth, gathering information about man and conducting experiments. Hence, the numerous unidentified flying objects (UFO's) observed in various parts of the world, from time to time.
In fact a recent survey carried out by the American Inter Planetary Association has revealed that 80% of the Americans believed in aliens and of that 15% had some experience with regard to UFO's and aliens.
I feel that this is very significant, and casts light on another aspect :
America is the most powerful country in the world. So the extra terrestrial beings are concentrating their investigations and experiments in and around America, because they realise that close security ties witth America would pave the way towards establishing relations with the rest of the world.
I would like to end this unfolding of my views, by making the following statement.
"Someday the human race too, will achieve the advanced level of technology reached by the extra terrestrial beings. They will also discover another planet capable of supporting human life. On such a day, the human species will undoubtedly bid earth goodbye."
- Mahil Mihindupriya
* I must mention my special thanks to Miss Dilhara Gunaratne, Mr. Chandimal Perera, My Brother Wangeesa Mihindupriya and my father
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